Once you have established a vision and set of goals for your life going forward, we develop a plan with you to get there. The plan is constructed in manageable 90 day increments.

Each 90 day planning cycle defines key milestones which must be achieved to get you closer to your goals. Sometimes we see clients who can’t achieve all the activities in 90 days. In those cases, we put them aside temporarily and focus on what can be achieved. It is all aligned to get you to where you want to be as quickly as you’re capable of achieving it.

In this phase, almost everyone who has ever participated in Life by Design comes to what we call a Choice Point, a make-it-or-break-it moment, a critical choice that can be a pivot point to achieving your goals. Or not. It may be a choice that you had been subconsciously – or even consciously – avoiding to make in the past, blocking you from moving further towards your goals.
Now it comes down to Execution. →